Dear Brothers

Blessed are the merciful, for they will have mercy ... (Matthew 5: 7)

Sister Intisar Gorkis Dinkha from Turkey _ Nida Province, she has 6 children, pleading with you to save her daughter Angelina Walid when she is 9 years old, who suffers from epilepsy since she was 3 years old and so far, and according to the doctor’s diagnosis it became clear that she suffers from liver damage, and those with this disease are required to review for analysis A year and the family have not been able to see a doctor for two and a half years because of their capabilities, they did not allow that, and currently her health condition has worsened and they need help

We ask for help to get her out of this ordeal and contribute to alleviating her suffering, so let us be a cause and a blessing in restoring her health to this child Therefore, we ask your honorable Excellency to kindly assist her with what you can bring to yourselves, and to look at their request with mercy and paternity due to her critical situation. Our hope and hope is that we complete this work together.

We attach to you photos of her child, who confirms her critical health condition Our mission is to help, our mission to act Help us save a life, and be part of hope

Note / You can only send donations in these two ways Those who wish to help through the Nineveh Charitable Association via paypal

You can send help through Western Union in the name of the mother of the child INTISAR GORGEES DANHA KAPI Turkey - Nida Province

For inquiries and questions about the child's condition, please contact the child's mother on the number 00905383104726

Or, you can send the donation through the association’s representative in Turkey and Northern Iraq _ Duhok Governorate RAID NISSAN HANA HANA Delegate's mobile number 07507613185

If you have a question or inquiry, you can contact us through the page, and we promise you that we will review your messages and ensure that you answer them clearly. Please share the case so that it reaches all of our people, and do not forget to publish the page in order to reach all of our people in need in our country Thank you from the heart